Reclaim Your Clarity

An Antidote to Overthinking,
Stress & Anxiety

Discover The “Magic Breathing Rate” That Works in Minutes.

Are you TIRED of feeling

  • Overwhelmed
  • Stressed
  • Burnt out
  • Anxious

If so there is a really simple technique you can do that quickly restores your inner calm, balance and flow. It's so discreet that no one will even know you're doing it.

It restores clarity and leaves you 'feeling like your old self' again.

And with repeated practice the technique yields some amazing health benefits.

In as little as 10 minutes you can reach the same state of mindfulness as experienced monks and meditators without having to spend years practicing meditation.

People who practice it for a short time report a strange sense of internal calm and quiet.

Multiple clinical studies report reductions in stress and anxiety.

And report increases in productivity and competitive performance.

That's because this is a very unique technique which is like 'tuning up' your mind and body.

It brings your entire mind and body system into perfect alignment. A state of physiological harmony that creates a corresponding effect in the brain.

Scientists refer to it as the 'biological basis of flow'.

A perfect balance of alertness and relaxation.

​​Over 25 years of scientific studies have found it

  • Improves your ability to relax (a gym session for your relaxation power 💪)
  • Reduces high blood pressure. (and improves overall blood pressure regulation)
  • Improves circulation (reduces the workload of the heart, improving overall heart health.)
  • Calms Anxiety and Stress (used effectively in crisis situations, helping to treat PTSD, ADHD, Depression, Insomnia and other traumas)
  • Relieves asthma symptoms (reduces symptoms that lead to asthma attacks)
  • Helps with diabetes (helps improve blood oxygen and blood pressure levels in people with diabetes)
  • Reduces substance cravings
  • Improves Long Covid symptoms
  • Increases breathing efficiency (optimal oxygen delivery which helps during exercise, e.g. high altitude climbers)
  • Competitive advantage in sports (keep calm in pressure moments)

For a technique with this many benefits you would think it would be common knowledge!

Yet the reality is that the benefits of the technique have been largely stuck in academic journals for decades.

According to one of the original scientists involved in the early research -

“It’s a nondrug treatment with very powerful effects. It’s easy to learn. Why isn’t everyone doing it?”

One reason might be that simple and readily available remedies can't be patented and sold at high profit.

But now there is a shift happening.

More people are beginning to understand the power of correct breathing and the latent powers they already have to boost their own health.

You already have the ability to 'tune up' your body with a science backed breathing technique so simple you can easily teach it to others.

Tune In To Your Own Flow State Whenever You Want

It's much easier than you think

❌You don't need much effort. (It's almost effortless.)

❌You don't need much time.

❌You don't need to meditate for years

❌You don’t need expensive wearable 'health tech'

❌You don't need a quiet place to practice

All you need is:

✅10 minutes a day
✅Anywhere you want
✅Anytime you want

The key is the simplicity. In an ever increasingly complex world this is the return to simplicity and clarity you need.

Make this easy investment into your health and wellness.

Sine Wave Breathing ebook cover by Greg Sawers

Your own flow state on demand

Within minutes you'll be able to tap into states of calm and quiet focus whenever you want.

Sine Wave Breathing ebook cover by Greg Sawers

In this short guide you'll learn:

A simple technique that can be learned by both adults & children

Activate mindfulness.

  • Stop overthinking quickly
  • Become more present in all situations
  • Enjoy greater detachment from things that would previously get on your nerves.

Portable bliss

  • Can be practiced anywhere.
  • Can be practiced discreetly in front of other people or in busy situations.

Become unflappable

  • Remain calm in the middle of crisis situations
  • Gain more access to your amygdala - a key region of the brain involved in emotional regulation which helps you stay calmer.
Sine Wave Breathing ebook cover by Greg Sawers

Greg Sawers

Greg Sawers is a writer from Edinburgh, Scotland focusing on mind and body wellness. He has over 20 years experience in nlp, hypnosis, breathwork and martial arts.

© Copyright 2025 -
Greg Sawers


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